Tungsten Mobile ID and Verification

Intelligent Automation for customer onboarding

With Mobile ID and Verification, a process that once took hours of paperwork now takes seconds.
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Quickly onboard and verify more customers

Take your customer engagement to the next level with Tungsten Mobile ID™ and Verification. Offer an onboarding process as quick and simple as asking your customers to snap a pic of their ID with a mobile device.

Onboard customers on the go

Customers can initiate a paperless onboarding process via a mobile device by taking a photo of their ID and, for a greater level of security, taking a selfie.

Reduce costs with a single platform

Extract data automatically and eliminate the need for manual entry by the user or back office resources.

Capture high-quality images

Optical character recognition (OCR) automatically populates the app. Mobile capture technology creates high-quality images so documents are captured quickly and correctly.


Why customers choose Mobile ID and Verification

Onboards securely

Quick and efficient onboarding with frictionless, paperless ID capture and verification. Determine if an ID is genuine and use facial recognition to ensure the applicant in possession of the ID is the owner.

Ensures process integrity

Tungsten Automation advanced forensic technology is 100% automated and performs thousands of security checks in seconds. An altered or fraudulent document is rejected and supports Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.

Offers better data quality

Provide on-screen guidance and auto-capture functionality to ensure a user-friendly experience. Customers capture high-quality images, resulting in improved response times.

Extends to new processes

Capture documents and data for any engagement scenario from one platform. Deploy multiple apps that drive revenue, improve customer engagement and provide a competitive advantage.

Tracks effectiveness

Get insight into mobile user engagement with pre-built analytics dashboards that monitor user behaviors. Track and measure effectiveness to make improvements quickly.


How Mobile ID and Verification can help

Multi-level authentication

ID capture, verification and facial recognition capabilities work together to ensure compliance and curtail many types of fraud.

Superior image quality

Patented image perfection technology optimizes document quality and size for fast transmission and accurate data extraction for a superior user experience.

Real-time mobile onboarding

On-device OCR technology extracts data from IDs directly on the mobile device, eliminating server dependencies and network delays.

HTLM5-enabled experience

When an app is not ideal, HTML5 capture is available and works without an app download to the phone. Image capture occurs from an HTML5-enabled website and extracts the data.

Budeme v tom s vámi



Skrze úvodní workshopy hledáme a prioritizujeme kritické procesy, jejichž digitalizace a automatizace bude mít největší přínos. Společně vytváříme shodu v týmu i organizaci, co má digitalizace přinést.

Související workshopy:



Technologické řešení na platformě Tungsten Automaton, které pomůže splnit vaše cíle. Společně obhájíme návratnost investice před vedením. Součástí návrhu je demo nebo pilotní projekt.


Implementujeme & zaškolíme

Co nejrychleji spustíme první verzi řešení, které s uživateli přizpůsobujeme. Školení pomáhá sladit týmovou spolupráci a usnadňuje přechod na nové status quo.


Podpora & rozvoj

Digitální projekty jsou transformační a nekončí spuštěním — proto vám a vašemu týmu bude k dispozici zákaznická podpora. U větších projektů pomáháme s vytvořením kompetenčního týmu.

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Fotografie Radima Kláska, ředitele IT, Meopta
Zaměřili jsme se na řešení, které by mohlo růst s našimi automatizačními ambicemi – TotalAgility splnilo dokonale tento požadavek.
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