Kofax RPA

Robotic process automation allows you to automate laborious, multi-step tasks across systems and data sources without the need for coding.
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Software Robotization of Processes
Automates processes across the organization with robots that work together with employees to increase operational efficiency and reduce costs.
Are you hearing about RPA for the first time? Read about the benefits →

RPA handles manual, repetitive work much faster and makes no mistakes

Deployment is quick and non-invasive

Kofax RPA allows using low-code/no-code access quickly create, deploy and manage bots directly on a centralized server. It connects virtually any:

  • older internal system
  • modern business applications
  • websites and portals
  • databases
  • content (e.g. PDF, Excel,...)

All this no need to use APIs, scripting and complex coding.

Design Robots in Design Studio

Visual environment, in which developers create, test and debug robots without the need to use code. When compiling the process, it allows utilize a rich library of reusable process fragments.

Centralized management and security

  • Uniform governance for process management, monitoring and planning doesn't require multiple virtual desktops on a server architecture.
  • Access to the platform is role-based including user management.
  • It contains a password store to securely manage bot credentials (without divulging sensitive information to users who create and run bots).

RPA is only part of the story...

A unified approach based on intelligent automation not only leverages RPA, but also brings other important tools, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), OCR, and more.

Full RPA integration including document and data processing

It allows to completely automate processes where different types of data are processed from different sources.
Fully integrated technologies in one platform:

  • artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • natural language processing (NL)

No other third party products are required, significantly reduces overhead costs.

Process management and RPA on a single platform

Kofax platform can handle automation of complex processes by offering process orchestration solutions and at the same time RPA — built on the same platform and tightly integrated. This eliminates friction and overhead that would otherwise be incurred when using multiple third-party solutions from other vendors.

RPA as part of intelligent automation

The Kofax platform utilizes five highly integrated, unified features based on:

  • Cognitive Sensing
  • artificial intelligence
  • RPA
  • orchestration of processes
  • mobile mining and e-signature

This one Platform-Oriented Approach delivers on the promise of digital transformation — helping to increase competitiveness, accelerate automation impact times, and Reduce the total cost of technology.

Get started with automation small today.
Try RPA for 3 months for free.

To chci

Budeme v tom s vámi

We analyze

Through the introductory workshops we are looking for a We prioritize critical processesdigitization and automation of which will be of greatest benefit. collaboratively we create a match in the team and organization, what the project will bring.

Související workshopy:
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We will recommend

Technology solution on the Kofax platform to help meet your goals. collaboratively We defend the return on investment in front of the leadership. This includes a demo or pilot project.

We implement & train

We launch as quickly as possible the first version of the solution we are testing with users. Training helps to reconcile team cooperation.

Support & Development

Digital projects are transformative and don't end in startup — that's why it will be available to you and your team customer support. For larger projects, we help create Competency Team.

Jsme jediný

Kofax Platinum Partner

pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku

Jedna platforma propojuje týmy, procesy a interní systémy napříč organizací.

  • využívá 25 000+ firem po celém světě
  • transformuje informačně náročné podnikové operace od začátku do konce
  • zefektivňuje procesy, snižuje množství manuální práce a chyb, minimalizuje náklady a podporuje dodržování předpisů
  • umožňuje organizacím zlepšit zapojení zákazníků a využívat nové obchodní příležitosti
  • integrace na ERP, DMS, SharePoint a další
Infografika popisující, jak Kofax promění vaši digitální práci. Má tři části - Document Intelligence, Connected Systems a Process Orchestration. V Document Intelligence Kofax využívá Cognitive Capture a Artificial Intelligence. V Connected Systems využívá Ecosystem a Integrations. V Process Orchestration využívá Task Automation a Workflows.
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... a desítkám dalších →
“Kofax TotalAgility not only provides the capabilities we need to digitize our workflows, but also enables e.g. robotic process automation [RPA] — giving us a wide range of possibilities for the future. “
Radim Klásek, ředitel IT ve společnosti Meopta

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