Intelligent process automation

Kofax TotalAgility

A platform for intelligent automation and management of business processes from start to finish.
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Intelligent process automation

Automation that has a real impact must digitize processes from start to finish. Therefore, it combines several technologies together.

Are you hearing about automation for the first time? Read about the benefits →

One platform connects teams, processes and internal systems across an organization

Basic TotalAgility Capabilities

Intelligently handles documents

Very fast and accurate digitizes, analyzes and classifies financial documents, contracts, forms and other documents with high information content — from any source.

At the same time, they really understand Structured in unstructured data by means of:

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • natural language processing (NL)
  • and sentiment analysis.

Automates and controls complex processes, tasks and rules

Chunky process platform allows you to create and monitor tasks, processes and rules. Everything can be set up in low-code interface.

  • Taskautomatisering
  • Gestione regole
  • Case Management

Creating processes does not require coding.

Integrates easily on internal systems

Interconnects your business systems (most common DMS, ERP, CRM) without tedious coding.


It improves Decision-making, reporting and Optimization of workflows through extensive analysis.

The TotalAgility platform connects people, processes and internal systems — across the entire organization.

Extensions for TotalAgility

The more advanced and advanced process automation your organization needs, the more you will understand the benefits of the Kofax intelligent platform — it includes all the necessary technologies for end-to-end processes.

  • Kofax RPA: automates simple processes or interconnects outdated internal systems.
  • Kofax SignDoc: allows customers or suppliers to sign documents on mobile.
  • Kofax Communication Manager

Cloud or On-Premise Deployment

The versatile, modern and open architecture is specifically designed to give organizations the flexibility to deploy either on-premises or in the cloud. Write to us, we will advise you on choosing a suitable option.

G2 Community Awards 2022 Best Software Award Winner

Out of thousands of tools, G2 users chose Kofax TotalAgility as one of the best IT management solutions. Read their ratings.

Kofax combines AI, RPA, low‑code and e‑signature in one platform

Turning data into insights

Kofax quickly and accurately digitizes, analyzes and classifies data from any source. In addition, by connecting different internal systems, the accuracy of the data increases - so you get reliable dataBased on which you can make better decisions.

Accelerates processes and increases productivity

Kofax is a process platform through which complete more tasks in less time and with less effort.

Automated today, scalable tomorrow

Kofax helps organizations expand limited capacity using software robots (RPA)who work 24/7 on structured content and redundant tasks.

To chci

Budeme v tom s vámi

We analyze

Through introductory workshops We look for and prioritize critical processesdigitization and automation of which will be of greatest benefit. collaboratively we create a match in the team and in the organization, What Digitalization Can Bring.

We propose

Technological solutions on Kofaxthat will help meet your goals. collaboratively We defend the return on investment in front of the leadership. Part of the design is a demo or pilot project.

We implement & train

The Co the fastest we run The first version solutions that we customize with users. Training helps harmonize teamwork and facilitates the transition to the new status quo.

Support & Development

Digital projects are transformative and don't end in startup — that's why it will be available to you and your team customer support. For larger projects, we help create Competency Team.

Jsme jediný

Kofax Platinum Partner

pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku

Jedna platforma propojuje týmy, procesy a interní systémy napříč organizací.

  • využívá 25 000+ firem po celém světě
  • transformuje informačně náročné podnikové operace od začátku do konce
  • zefektivňuje procesy, snižuje množství manuální práce a chyb, minimalizuje náklady a podporuje dodržování předpisů
  • umožňuje organizacím zlepšit zapojení zákazníků a využívat nové obchodní příležitosti
  • integrace na ERP, DMS, SharePoint a další
Infografika popisující, jak Kofax promění vaši digitální práci. Má tři části - Document Intelligence, Connected Systems a Process Orchestration. V Document Intelligence Kofax využívá Cognitive Capture a Artificial Intelligence. V Connected Systems využívá Ecosystem a Integrations. V Process Orchestration využívá Task Automation a Workflows.
Banner ze žebříčku G2 s nápisem "Top 50 IT Management Products Best Software Awards 2022"

G2 2022 Best Software Award Winner – IT Management Products
Kofax TotalAgility je jeden z nejlepších produktů z tisíců dalších uchazečů

Bannery ze žebříčku G2 s nápisem "Users love us" a "Leader Winter 2022"

Kofax Capture zvolen jako lídr produkt v oblasti OCR

Pomohli jsme firmám

abandon the old approach and link teams and tools into a single whole.
... a desítkám dalších →
We focused on a solution that could grow with our automation ambitions — Kofax TotalAgility met this requirement perfectly.
Radim Klásek, IT Director at Meopta

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