Digitalization of documents

CaptureBites MetaServer

Easy to work with electronic PDF documents
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Imagine if every PDF document that comes by email or from your MFP is instantly named correctly and saved where it's supposed to be. Forget about manually searching, renaming, and organizing documents. With MetaServer, an intelligent software designed for the modern digital workplace, this notion is becoming a reality.

In today's world, where documents flow constantly and from different sources, MetaServer comes as a solution to this situation. It allows tracking of folders and email inboxes, automatically processes all incoming PDF documents — whether electronic or scanned — and intelligently names and organizes them. With advanced text extraction and rules that are easy to set up, MetaServer eliminates the need for manual labor and increases the efficiency of your work.

What we have already implemented with MetaServer:

  • Automatic processing of incoming invoices to SAP system: It is now possible for invoices to be processed electronically and automatically included in the SAP system immediately upon receipt, saving time and reducing error rates.
  • Obtaining metadata from photos of production labels in an industrial enterprise: MetaServer can extract important information directly from images, which greatly simplifies the recording and management of production data.
  • Delivery note processing (CMR) with connection to the Transport 4K system: Integration with Transport 4K enables automatic processing and tracking of delivery notes, improving logistics operations.
  • Automation of processing incoming mail with sending documents to specific persons: This process ensures that all incoming mail is efficiently distributed and electronically delivered to the relevant employees without undue delay.

MetaServer is designed to recognize the type of document and automatically choose between directly extracting text from an electronic PDF or using OCR for scanned images. This smart approach means you no longer have to spend time searching for files with random names generated by your MFP, and you can focus on what's really important.

Key features of MetaServer include:

  • Automated Import: Easily retrieve documents directly from folders, subfolders, or mailboxes.
  • Intelligent Organization: Documents are automatically sorted, processed and organized according to pre-set rules.
  • Advanced Extraction: PDF type recognition with the ability to extract text without the need for OCR or automatically apply OCR for image PDFs.
  • Data Validation: Verification of data using external databases and validation rules to ensure accuracy.
  • Flexible Export: Ability to export results to one or more destination locations of your choice.

MetaServer is a universal solution suitable for any company that is dealing with a large number of documents — from accounting documents and forms to applications and other specific types of documents. Whether you're a small branch or a large company processing hundreds of documents a day, MetaServer brings digitizing your documents to a new level of efficiency and accuracy.

To chci

Budeme v tom s vámi

We analyze

Through the introductory workshops we are looking for a We prioritize critical processesdigitization and automation of which will be of greatest benefit. We try create a match in the team and organization, what the project will bring.

Související workshopy:
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We will recommend

Technology solution on the Kofax platform to help meet your goals. collaboratively We defend the return on investment in front of the leadership. Includes demo or pilot project

We implement & train

We launch as quickly as possible the first version of the solution we are testing with users. Training helps to reconcile team cooperation.

Support & Development

Digital projects are transformative and don't end in startup — that's why it will be available to you and your team customer support. For larger projects, we help create Competency Team.

Jsme jediný

Kofax Platinum Partner

pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku

Jedna platforma propojuje týmy, procesy a interní systémy napříč organizací.

  • využívá 25 000+ firem po celém světě
  • transformuje informačně náročné podnikové operace od začátku do konce
  • zefektivňuje procesy, snižuje množství manuální práce a chyb, minimalizuje náklady a podporuje dodržování předpisů
  • umožňuje organizacím zlepšit zapojení zákazníků a využívat nové obchodní příležitosti
  • integrace na ERP, DMS, SharePoint a další
Infografika popisující, jak Kofax promění vaši digitální práci. Má tři části - Document Intelligence, Connected Systems a Process Orchestration. V Document Intelligence Kofax využívá Cognitive Capture a Artificial Intelligence. V Connected Systems využívá Ecosystem a Integrations. V Process Orchestration využívá Task Automation a Workflows.
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