Digitalization of documents

Kofax Express

High-speed scanning application in Czech. It indexes and detects barcodes.
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Intuitive interface

The application has a very similar interface como Microsoft Office. Many activities are preset and carried out with a single click mouse, allowing faster adoption and increases productivity.

High image quality

Proprietary software for image enhancement VirtualRescan allows images to look better than their paper originals. And it without any preparation or setting before scanning documents, which increases the accuracy and automation of extraction.

Accurate Data Extraction

Automatically extracts data from documents in more than 100 languages using OCR for text and ICR for handwriting. Barcodes are extracted with data filled into index fields. This automatic data recognition speeds up document indexing and ensures greater accuracy compared to manual data entry.

Barcode Detection

Can read most commonly used 1D and 2D barcodes, even those that are covered with stamps, signatures or stains from a coffee cup. Color scanning increases accuracy and enables error-free decoding Barcodes at low resolution.

100+ integrations including SharePoint

Index, classify, and store documents and data in a variety of back-end systems for easy and fast retrieval. Provides API for advanced exports.

To chci

Budeme v tom s vámi

We analyze

We will ask a lot. So, for example: the size of the scanned documents? What color will you scan in? What resolution? How will you separate the documents? Types of barcodes? What will be the output format (.PDF, .TIFF, .BMP, .JPG)?

Související workshopy:
No items found.
We will recommend

It's the most convenient License version and the procedure for integration into internal systems.

One-day installation including training

We install, connect, we set up and train. We'll make it in one day.

Support & Development

Digital projects are transformative and don't end in startup — that's why it will be available to you and your team customer support.

Jsme jediný

Kofax Platinum Partner

pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku

Jedna platforma propojuje týmy, procesy a interní systémy napříč organizací.

  • využívá 25 000+ firem po celém světě
  • transformuje informačně náročné podnikové operace od začátku do konce
  • zefektivňuje procesy, snižuje množství manuální práce a chyb, minimalizuje náklady a podporuje dodržování předpisů
  • umožňuje organizacím zlepšit zapojení zákazníků a využívat nové obchodní příležitosti
  • integrace na ERP, DMS, SharePoint a další
Infografika popisující, jak Kofax promění vaši digitální práci. Má tři části - Document Intelligence, Connected Systems a Process Orchestration. V Document Intelligence Kofax využívá Cognitive Capture a Artificial Intelligence. V Connected Systems využívá Ecosystem a Integrations. V Process Orchestration využívá Task Automation a Workflows.
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“I was personally surprised by the purity of digitization processing, such as cleaning the image during scanning, being able to choose the data size, or ignoring blank pages — all of which saved us unnecessary data storage costs.”
— IT Coordinator, Statutory City of Hradec Králové

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