Statutory city of Hradec Králové

Document Scanners

The successful transfer of the existing paper archive to digital form took place in three stages.

  • scanners from Fujitsu and Canon
  • Kofax Express
  • integration with MS SharePoint
phase of digital transformation
4 000
processed documents monthly
340 000
documents digitized and stored in an archive for quick tracking

Despite the fact that the city of Hradec Králové actively used the ICZ file service and the MS SharePoint electronic document sharing platform, a large part of the incoming documents to the mailroom of the city still arrived in paper form. This means that sorting, handover, but also reverse retrieval of documents was done manually until then. This resulted in a significant slowdown in the entire process of processing requests and the throughput of documents into the system.

In January 2011, INFOMATIC, together with other companies engaged in digitization of documents, participated in a public tender. “We were convinced above all by the reliability and continuity of the system with our file service”, specifies the IT coordinator.

“At first I was a little afraid of the Prague company. But I must say that I was surprised by the willingness and friendliness of the whole team. They are normal people, with a taste for investing extra time and effort where it is needed. Training and support are also included in the delivery of the solution, which in the end effect makes us much more self-sufficient. “

— IT coordinator of the Department of Informatics of the city of Hradec Králové

Why they needed a change

The city of Hradec Králové processes thousands of requests from its citizens. The mailroom, as well as the department of the trade office, must respond to a large number of inquiries and requests in the shortest possible time. Thus, the need to digitize came from the officials themselves. The Councillors have therefore decided to tackle this situation in a modern and efficient manner using the world's best-selling document digitisation solution.

Main objectives

This project initially had only one phase planned, but after successful and quick implementation in the main mailroom environment, the city decided to use this technology also for the department of the trade office to transfer the existing paper archive to digital form.

Phase 1 (January 2011) — City Registry

Main goal for the mailroom of the city of Hradec Králové: Replacement of older document scanners. The main requirements were the resistance of the device to high daily loads, the image quality of the scanned documents. In the software part, document separation by negotiation number with direct connection to MS SharePoint.

  • Document Scanners: Fujitsu fi-6230, fi-4340 and fi-6770
  • Digitization, image optimization and document categorization: Kofax Express

Phase 2 (January 2013) — Trade Office Department

Main goal: Continuous daily digitization of all incoming documents up to A3 format with subsequent transfer to MS SharePoint.

  • Document Scanner: Canon DR6030C and A3 Flatbed
  • Digitization, image optimization and document categorization: Kofax Express

Phase 3 (February 2014) — Archive of the Trade Licensing Office

Main objective: To support the digitization of the department by breaking down the ten-year paper archive of documents with categorization and inclusion in the existing electronic document structure.

  • Document Scanner: Fujitsu fi7160 - first sale and implementation
    This scanner in the Czech Republic
  • Digitization, image optimization and document categorization: Kofax Express

Fulfillment of goals and expectations

Phase 1 — City mailroom
Digitizing incoming documents brought immediate time savings. When searching for information, it is possible to find a specific meeting number in a matter of seconds and transmit the information internally or directly to the citizen. Today, the city's mailroom successfully processes over 4,000 documents a month.

Phase 2 — Trade Office Department
The trade office has been fully digitized since 2013. All papers and documents that come in during the day pass only electronically. No more expensive handling of paper documents.

Phase 3 — Archive of the Trade Licensing Office
As of June 2014, over 340,000 paper documents have already been digitized and categorized into an electronic archive. On average, up to 1,200 documents are scanned daily. The digitisation of the entire ten-year archive is planned for the end of 2014.

“We are satisfied with the implementation and setup of the system, I was personally surprised by the purity of the digitization processing, such as cleaning the image during scanning, the ability to choose the data size or ignoring blank pages — all this saved us unnecessary data storage costs.” — IT Coordinator

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